Writer happiness and what comes next

BfB2I’m feeling peaceful but empty. The first draft of A Baron for Becky is done, all but the epilogue. And the epilogue is planned in my head, but waiting for me to have a couple of hours of uninterrupted time.

Still lots to do: editing, some rewriting, a bit of fact checking. Then proofreading, formatting, loading. The book’s journey to publication begins when the writer types THE END.

But I’m confident enough to be able to post the book for pre-order, so those links should be available within the coming week. I’m still hoping to publish late July, but I’ll set the preorder for 19 August, just to give me a bit of room to make the book the best it can be, and do all the stuff that goes with a launch: write posts for a blog tour, organise a fabulous launch event, invent swag, and so on.

In other news, Farewell to Kindness sold to more than 800 people in its first month, and Candle’s Christmas Chair, the free novella, will reach 50,000 downloads this week. I’m so grateful to all you wonderful readers who are taking a chance on this novice and nervous author.

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