Titles and inheritance

I saw it again, today. The idea that a duke can decide not to leave his title to his eldest legitimate son. Wrong! That isn’t true, even today.

He might be able to strip the title of any unentailed property and leave that to someone else. But the title and the entailed property do not belong to the duke (or other peer), but are held in trust for his descendants.


2 thoughts on “Titles and inheritance

  1. One has only to look at what the late Duke of Marlborough went through to try to protect the estate from his heir if the marquess didn’t stop using drugs. For some reason, authors want to have the illegitimate son turn out to be the hero and receive the title and estate. Unfortunately, the succession is set out in the patent and can very rarely be changed and then usually only for some one with connection to royalty and only if there is no legitimate male heir.

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