A Most Excellent Adventure

A Most Excellent Adventure

Lorna Dashwood, spinster schoolteacher, finds that peace of mind is overrated with adventure comes looking for her

Lorna Dashwood, spinster schoolteacher, chances upon adventure when she rides out to retrieve a run-away pupil. Adventure is nothing like she had dreamed. Before it is over, she has been shot at, knocked out, assigned a pretend husband, locked up, forced to marry at the point of a gun, and more

On the other hand, she cannot argue with the outcome. Perhaps adventures have something to be said for them, after all.

Paul Baldwin, Baron Baldwin of Ormswood, is no stranger to adventure. However, he is looking for investments, not adventure, and certainly not marriage, when he comes to the rescue of two damsels in distress, one a schoolteacher who is far too pretty for his peace of mind.

Peace of mind is overrated, and when danger towards her threatens again, he does not hesitate to ride, once more, to the rescue.

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About the Book

In the epilogue of The Flavour of Our Deeds, Book 5 in The Golden Redepennings, Paul Baldwin arrives at his brother’s house with a new wife. This novella tells their story

Series: The Golden Redepennings, Book 5.5
Genre: Historical romance
Publisher: Titchfield Press
Publication Year: June 2024
ASIN: B0D5718F37
ISBN: 9781991290069
List Price: 0.99
eBook Price: 0.99
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