Spotlight on a SNAFU

Ouch. If you want me, I’m in my table cave sucking my thumb. I’m not adulting today.

If you pre-ordered House of Thorns or bought it on release day, you may have opened it to find somebody else’s book in my cover. Amazon sent out the wrong file. They seem to have fixed it; I bought a copy myself yesterday to check, and got the right book. But if you have the wrong one, please do one of the following:

  • send it back to Amazon for a refund and buy it again
  • email Scarsdale Publishing for a new copy (

That kind of took the shine off release day. And the two one-star reviews on Amazon UK from people who didn’t like not getting my book made me want to cry.

Ah well. It’ll all come out in the wash, as my mother used to say. To cheer us all up, here’s the video trailer I made for release day.

4 thoughts on “Spotlight on a SNAFU

  1. I think they should give you some kind of compensation for that blunder, I bought my copy I haven’t opened it yet but after this I’m gonna see if I have the right one. This is unreal . I guess it’s just something we have to deal with in this technology era. So sorry it happened I sure hope you see a bunch

  2. Ouch! That kind of mess is the stuff of nightmares. I’m really sorry that happened. Have some warm cookies and milk, they help with about anything.

    Someday it will be less painful. Remember that one of the most expensive postage stamps ever was a plane printed upside down… Now you can top just about any gripe session among authors. Save a copy if you can get one…

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