More holiday reading — add your favourites (or your own) in the comments

My friends have also been publishing holiday books. I’ve put a few below. Please feel free to add more in the comments.

Caroline Warfield

Caroline Warfield’s Holiday Collection

Love and hope at Christmas and always.

The link takes you to more information and buy links for:

Christmas Hope

During four wartime holidays 1916-1919 a soldier and the widow whose love gives him hope cling to life and love. After the Great War will it be enough?

Lady Charlotte’s Christmas Vigil

Love is the best medicine and the sweetest things in life are worth the wait, especially at Christmastime in Venice for a stranded English Lady and a handsome Italian doctor.

An Open Heart

Two people who don’t celebrate the same holiday as the other folk at a Regency house party, hold fast to their Judaic traditions. Can they also open their hearts and minds to love? It first appeared in Holly and Hopeful Hearts.

A Dangerous Nativity

With Christmas coming, can the Earl of Chadbourn repair his sister’s damaged estate, and more damaged family? Dare he hope for love in the bargain?

This book is a prequel to both Children of Empire and the Dangerous Series. It first appeared in Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem, and is always **FREE**

Sherry Ewing

Under the Mistletoe

A new suitor seeks her hand. An old flame holds her heart. Which one will she meet under the kissing bough? Under the Mistletoe

One Last Kiss

Sometimes it takes a miracle to find your heart’s desire…

E. Ayers

A Sister’s Christmas Gift

When tragedy strikes, career woman Brandy Devin is left to pick up the pieces of her sister’s life. What she finds changes her life forever. The bonds of family are strong, and love is even stronger.

5 thoughts on “More holiday reading — add your favourites (or your own) in the comments

  1. Surrender the Wind by Elizabeth St Michel

    This novel is set amid the American Civil war. I couldn’t wait to pick it up each night to see what would happen next to Catherine and John. One a yankee heiress the other a confederate general. Compelling reading I loved it.

  2. Saunders-Lies and Deception by Lesley Field

    Set in Banff in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A magical place in the winter and a hub for tourists in the summer. Come and meet the Saunders family. With prestige and money they had everything. But secrets lie within the family, secrets that will change the family forever.

    Sarah had everything, a handsome loving husband, a young son, then suddenly it was all snatched away. Defeated by outside forces, she made a new life for herself. But never forgot the life she once had.

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