Danger on WIP Wednesday

Elegant young gentleman dandy dressed in Regency fashion holding a hat and walking cane on the footsteps to a impressive mansion, 3d render.

In this excerpt, my hero sees a silver lining in the fact he has just been shot at.

They said their goodbyes and made their way out of the club.

Ash was still thinking about his courtship of Regina. The difficulties depressed his optimism. Regina had accepted several of his invitations, yes. But she had other suitors. More handsome, wealthier, better connected. Why should she choose an orphan of no particular family who had to work for his living?

She found him attractive; he couldn’t doubt the purely feminine interest with which she regarded him. But she didn’t flirt. She did not employ any of the many ways a woman indicated that a man’s attentions would be welcomed.

He descended the steps to the street lost in thought. Artie’s body crashed against his and they tumbled to the footpath. Even as he fell, his mind replayed the sharp bark of a rifle, heard through the din of the busy street. As Artie rolled off him and he clambered to his feet, he was already scanning the rooftops on the other side of the road.

Artie had hurried back up the steps, and was exploring the fresh hole in one of the stone pillars that held up the portico. “The bullet came from above and to the right,” he reported, before coming back down, scanning the ground. “And dropped here.” He stooped, and came up again with a lump of misshapen lead.

“Good reactions,” Ash told him.

Artie shrugged. “I saw a glint off the barrel. On the way down, I thought—it couldn’t be a rifle. Not in London!”

Ash was still scanning the rooftops. “I cannot see any movement.” He grinned at his friend. “I’m glad you didn’t stop for second thoughts. Was that for you or for me?”

Artie shrugged. “Or a case of mistaken identity. I can’t think of anyone who is that annoyed at me.”

Ash thought about his own possible enemies. “I can’t see Daffy Deffew being good enough with a rifle to make that shot.”

Artie examined him, head tipped to one side. “Because he thinks Mrs Paddimore favour you?” he asked.

It was a cheering thought. If Daffy was desperate enough to attempt murder, perhaps Ash really did have a chance with Regina.

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