Escaping the family on WIP Wednesday

Lia went upstairs, the name Percy had called her running through her mind. My golden girl. She knew, of course, that Aurelia meant the golden one, but nobody had ever before suggested that the name was appropriate for her. Her mother had made the name distasteful by the way she said it, as if her disappointment with her daughter began with her name. But she didn’t mind Lance saying it, and Percy’s interpretation almost reconciled her entirely.

As she passed the second floor, she stopped to find out where her mother was, adopting the simple but effective tactic of asking the maids. Mama was no longer with the duke, but she and Father had retreated into their rooms. Since they could not be depended on to stay there, Lia hurried up to the third floor to ask after Miss Walton, who was resting and comfortable, or so said Miss Hatfield when she came to the door in answer to Lia’s knock.

“Do you or Miss Walton need anything,” Lia asked? “My mother has put me in charge of seeing to your comfort, so please let me know what I can provide to help you.” Remembering Percy’s twist on her mother’s words made her smile again. To think she had been afraid that marriage would just be a move from one prison to another!

Before she returned to the main stairs, Pansy arrived. “His lordship suggested we left the house by the servants’ stairs, my lady. He’s a right one, is Lord Thornstead, isn’t he, my lady? He and Lord Lancelot will be waiting by the kitchen door.”

They were, too, armed with enough umbrellas and rain capes to go around. “Let’s check the sheep,” Percy suggested. “I have a familial interest in the lambs that were born while I was in charge.”

Lia didn’t mind where they walked. When her mother was in residence, the air inside the house was harder to breathe and the knowledge that her mother might send for her at any moment weighed her down. Stepping outside allowed the weight to roll off her back, and she was able to take a full breath for the first time since Mama and Father returned from Berwick yesterday evening.

“We will not stay out for too long,” she decreed, against her own wishes. She must remember that the gentlemen were not long out of their sickbeds. “I will not be responsible for you becoming sick again. What would His Grace say?”

“Something sarcastic,” Lance suggested. “Seriously, though, if we choose to walk out in the cold and become ill again, His Grace will blame us. You are not responsible for what other people do, Lia.”

“I am apparently responsible for every misstep my brothers make,” Lia retorted.

Percy took her hand. “They cannot blame you when you are married to me and gone,” he pointed out.

Even through the gloves, his touch set off what she was beginning to think of as “the Percy effect.” Every time he touched her, she felt strange. Restless. Tingly. When he placed his bare hands around her bare hands in the library, and especially when he kissed them, she had had the mad urge to kiss his, or perhaps to kiss his cheek. Or more.

She had seen people around the estate kissing. By accident, such as when she came round a corner and a footman and maid leapt apart and tried to pretend they were working. Or when she entered the stable without warning and surprised a groom and a dairy maid in a passionate embrace.

At the party that celebrated the end of shearing, too. She was never allowed to stay past dark, but even before dark, drink dissolved inhibitions and propriety, and several couples were less hidden in the shadows than they thought.

Kissing had something to do with making babies. Mama became distressed and angry when she asked about it, and even Miss Walton refused to discuss the matter, saying any questions would be better addressed to her future husband.

Lia had been frustrated by the answer, but now she thought it was wise. She would ask Percy at the first opportunity, and she knew he would not laugh at her ignorance, but would give her a proper answer. She could trust Percy.


This one is from The Sincerest Flattery. The picture isn’t quite appropriate, but the period is correct.