Tea with Aventis, daughter of Chronos

Her Grace shifts a rose a fraction of an inch in the display on the side table, and steps back to see the effect. The sound of door opening has her turn, to see Barlow, the butler, in the doorway.

“The Lady Aventis,” he announces, and checks the piece of paper in his hand before continuing, “daughter of Cronus, Father of Time.” He steps aside to allow today’s guest into the room.

She is a beautiful young woman in a flowing red and white dress. In one hand, she holds a trident, with the symbol of a red rose. Her beautiful cocoa skin sparkles, and her blue eyes gleams brightly.

Barlow’s usual unruffled air is slightly disturbed by the trident.

Aventis nods slightly, and moves forward. She hands the trident to Barlow, who takes it, looking at it with wonder and curiosity.

The duchess hopes her own discomfort is well hidden, though etiquette bothers her more than the trident. What sort of beverage does one offer to a daughter of the gods? “Would you care for tea?” she asked, “Or can I send for something else?”

“Tea is fine – Earl Grey would do,” says Aventis.” I am happy to make your acquaintance, Duchess. You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you. Milk? Sugar?

“Some milk, no sugar” Aventis replies, settling herself on the sofa that Her Grace indicates. “Are you acquainted with my father, Chronos?”

“I am not. I think, perhaps, we come from different parts of what my biographer calls the fiction-o-sphere.” She hands Aventis a cup, and begins to prepare one for herself. “Your father is Cronus, Father of Time, the invitation said, and it was addressed to the Realm of Wyrniverdon. Can you tell me more?”

Aventis nods. “Yes. The Realm Wyrniverdon is a collective — a Magical Force — that guards over the universe — a universe –— that has within her many different worlds. Angels, faeries are part of it, but also star goddesses, and so on. We all work in conjunction to defeat the darkness.”

“Defeating the darkness. That sounds important, essential, even.”

Aventis leans forward, her eyes intent. “But there is an impending evil, of a force so threatening that we have to galvanize our forces — including human beings — to defeat them.”

Her Grace’s hands still. For a moment, her eyes look at some inward thought, and they are bleak when she replies. “I have known evil. I work against it when I can.”

Aventis takes a sip before she continues. “There is one, Racine, who will be instrumental in this fight. She is not only human, but also has mystical origins. Soon, she’ll know part of that story – herstory – and more. There is not much time, but my Sisters are working on that front. Books, those papyrical friends, will help us. They are the Spark. They will also be the key. It will all manifest, and all my Sisters are working on this score.”

Her Grace ponders this, and asks, “Tell me what humans can do to support a fight that is waged by gods and angels?”

Aventis has a small smile as she replies. “We have to come together, and show kindness. We have to show empathy, and compassion. We have to uphold the values of community, the collective. We also have to lift up, and hold dear places of community, the public sphere, such as libraries.”

“In my time, and in my universe, libraries are not public spaces, but it is an interesting idea. I must give that further thought.” Her Grace, a well known supporter of education for the masses, looks into her tea as if the answers float on the surface.

“They will also be key in helping to defeat the darkness,” Aventis assures her. “Technology will be an enemy, and humanity will have to decide – is convenience more important, or holding on to what it means to be human? These decisions will have to be made – if not, further disasters will be looming.”

The duchess shivers, as if she can feel the disasters drawing nearer, and Aventis assures her, “Racine will learn about all these things. She will be up to the task. She doesn’t think she will be, but she will. My Sisters will see to that.”

Her Grace seizes on the new subject. “Tell me more about your sisters, Aventis.”

Aventis is only too happy to oblige. “Angelaes created the community, The Collective. She is also a Guardian Angel, watching over those who are in despair. She created the Realm Wyrniverdon, for those who feel like outsiders, who feel like they don’t belong. She is on a mission to make the world a more welcoming place. She has keen insight, understanding, and intuition, all aspects of being an angel.”

“So the Sisters are angels?”

Aventis shakes her head. “Some are. Some are faeries –  others are selkies. Some are both human and mystical – which is the line that Racine is descended from. Many are part of the Realm Wyrniverdon, and whoever asks for assistance, whoever asks for aid, whoever has a heart that is breaking, the Sisters from the Realm Wyrniverdon are there to help. They are all strong – in one way or another. The Word for them is powerful, and is also the Key to answering the mysteries, the questions of the Universe.”

“Then you are prepared for the fight to come,” Her Grace says.

“I am gravely concerned about what is coming,” Aventis tells her, “But, if we all prepare, there is nothing we can’t handle. I am happy that you will join us in this fight. It gives me hope, in this dark hour.

Racine: The Sisterhood Stories

In a world divided by fear, hate, and prejudice, Racine embarks on a journey to discover who she really is. After a life time of alienation and rejection because of the colour of her skin and her Black heritage, she discovers the ultimate truth of good is wrapped up in the magic of the Story. Stories have the power to change the world, but first, the stories need unlocking.


Meet AC Clarke


